1 (877) 700-2875

The Wildlife of Southcentral Alaska
The caribou and moose populations are usually pretty abundant but varies from year to year, contingent on how harsh the past winter was and the local predator population. Viewing moose from the lodge is pretty common. Cow moose with newborn calves like to stay close to the lakes in case they have to jump in away from the wolves, which do not like to swim. While most moose are happy to call these hills home and sometimes hang out around the lodge for days at a time, the caribou are mostly nomadic and always seem to be in a hurry… like they’re late for something. A herd of 20 or more could pass through or just one lonely traveler on his way to the summer feeding grounds. Either way, each caribou is so unique in personality and mannerisms, and our love for this animal makes every sighting special.

The bears in the area, both grizzly and black bear, are quite the characters. Whether they’re wandering around the property curious as to what's barking at them, swimming in the lake, or gorging themselves with berries, they are a pleasure to have around. Because they do not come in contact with people often, if at all, they can actually be quite shy or startled when they see people. When there are no salmon in the streams and their usual prey is scarce, these bears can become almost 100% vegetarian in the summer and autumn, eating grass, roots, and berries by the pound just to store up enough body fat to make it through each long winter.
The nomadic wolves are not seen often at all. They have no desire to be close to humans and are usually on the move hunting or traveling, so stopping to pose for our photos is very rarely on their “to-do” list. These mysterious creatures are hearty, living, and hunting in this harsh climate year-around.
Some other species of animals that have been seen around the lodge are coyotes, fox, wolverine, ermine, otters, beavers, eagles, owls, ptarmigan, ducks, loons, geese, Sandhill cranes, and swans.
Click HERE to see more wildlife photos from the lodge on our Facebook page.

It is well known that Alaska is a birding paradise. Our whole family enjoys bird watching and there are many species around the lodge to see. Click the link below to see a full list of birds we have spotted around the lodge and while out camping in the Talkeetna Mountains.
If any of these birds are on your birding "life list" let us know. We know how addicting it can be!