Our guided backpacking trips are the most amazing way to experience the Alaska wilderness! Once you book your trip with us, the only thing left for you to do is pack your bags and get excited about the adventure! We provide all the gear, food, and our experienced guides give you peace of mind while camping in bear country.
Our camping trips take place in the Talkeetna Mountains which is technically the Denali region, or as some call it, the southcentral region. This area is home to moose, caribou, wolves, and both species of bear; the black bear and the grizzly. Not to mention hundreds of migratory birds.
The other aspect of these trips that sets them apart and adds more adventure is the fact that you have to fly in a floatplane to even reach the lodge before the camping begins, so by the time you've selected your gear, and started the journey, you're already many miles from the nearest town or road.
We guide trips from 2 to 6 days. Some trips start and end at the lodge with lots of hiking involved. Some trips include getting heli-dropped and picked up several days later, or hiking from our heli-drop point back to the lodge. All of our trips are customizable to accommodate your skill level and timeline. We can accommodate kids on some itineraries. Click here to get all the details. Contact us with any questions. info@cariboulodgealaska.com 907-733-2163